In a time of political chaos that is causing continual worry as we face losing our European citizenship and rights of freedom of movement to live in peace in Spain, I felt the need to escape the endless news. I am so fortunate to live between mountains and sea and today I let the waves wash away the stress.
Take me to the shore where rocks
cleft from marble veined cliffs,
spilling into
foaming sea like
lumps of sugar in
steaming tea.
Take me to the light where
star flare whites celestial sky,
sea shimmering like liquid
flowing molten from
the flames.
Take me to the waves where the
endless rise and crashing break
of wind whipped surf mists
upturned face with
salt spray.
Take me to the sea where ozone
air clears a troubled mind, worries
cleansed as surge
pebbles trickle in the backwash.
© 2018 Jacqueline Knight
Cotterill. All rights reserved.
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