This evening I ended 12 years of service as a Councillor in my village, walking away from the Town Hall with the love and appreciation of fellow Councillors and work companions who have become good friends. We have shared times of great difficulty and celebrated great achievements and I have learned the true meaning of friendship and the value of working for your community and standing up for your rights and beliefs. I would like to thank all who have joined me in this journey.
This poem is a reflection on ending one part of my life and looking forward to the next.
I walk a little
the key jangling large
between house and
used one last time to
close the wooden
on my public duty.
A score of years
marked time as
my children grew to adults,
raised on commitment,
campaigners all,
noble in their fight.
I too grew;
from a
fearful start,
the fire to save our village,
our hills, our trees
sparked new
strength and ease.
The past released,
the key entrusted
to youthful renewal,
what remains to see is
what becomes of me,
the door yet to open.
© 2019 Jacqueline Knight Cotterill. All rights reserved.
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