Yesterday I felt the familiar know of fear when I heard the throbbing of sound of helicopters flying overhead. Somewhere near must be burning. Looking out from our roof terrace I could neither see or smell smoke and it turned out that the activity overhead was probably due to the passing of the Tour'of Spain cycle race through the village and over the 'Carrascal' mountain. Rain is forecast for the next few days which I hope will reduce the fire risk. However trees are burning all over the world, some in natural wildfires, many provoked to clear land for building or agriculture, often with the connivance of governments who look to short term profit over longer term necessity for the earth and humankind. It is good to see people finally reacting to this ongoing threat but it is late already, a massive effort needs to be made to stop and reverse the decline in tree cover in the world. We overlook at our peril our knowledge that the Earth's trees compensate for our filling the atmosphere with hydro carbons, that they provide the oxygen we need for life.
© 2019 Jacqueline Knight
Cotterill. All rights reserved.
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